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MySQL LOAD DATA from csv file into partitioned table

MySQL LOAD DATA from .csv file into partitioned table:

MySQL load data into the MySQL partitioned table, from .csv file which has 63 column and table has 43 columns, column 43 of the table is loaddate and it's value will be current date. Here we are not loading some data from .csv file means skip data from .csv file and load selected data into the table.

Table created with column loaddate, loaddate is part of primary key, table is partitioned on loaddate:

Col_4, .... Col_42

 PRIMARY KEY(Col_1,Col_2,Col_3,Col_4,Col_5,LOADDATE),
 PARTITION 2019_JAN VALUES LESS THAN ('2019-02-01') ,
 PARTITION 2019_FEB VALUES LESS THAN ('2019-03-01') , ... PARTITION 2019_DEC ....

Code to load data from .csv file to table:
LOAD DATA INFILE '/mysql/admin/scripts/<Table_Name>.csv' INTO TABLE <Schema_Name.Table_Name> FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' LINES TERMINATED BY '\n'
Col_4, .... Col_42

@var45, ... @var63


Data is loaded in partition 2019_APR:
mysql> SELECT * FROM <Table_Name> PARTITION (2019_APR);
12 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Other partitions are empty:
mysql> SELECT * FROM <Table_Name> PARTITION (2019_JAN,2019_FEB, 2019_MAR, 2019_MAR,2019_MAY, 2019_JUN, 2019_JUL, 2019_AUG, 2019_SEP, 2019_OCT,2019_NOV, 2019_DEC);
Empty set (0.01 sec)

Note:  If you don't use  FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' you could get error - ERROR 1406 (22001): Data too long for column


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