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Drop Tuning Set of Oracle Database

Tuning Set Name : Test_TOP_SQL_1503437315950

select name from dba_sqlset;
select * from dba_sqlset where name like 'Test%';
Dropping SQL Task
select name from dba_sqlset;
execute dbms_sqltune.drop_sqlset('Test_TOP_SQL_1503437315950');
You could get an error, if it is reference to advisory task
Get advisory task name
select description, created, owner  from DBA_SQLSET_REFERENCES  where sqlset_name = 'Test_TOP_SQL_1503437315950';
task: SQL_TUNING_1503437363054
select owner,description, created,last_modified from DBA_ADVISOR_TASKS where task_name = 'SQL_TUNING_1503437363054';
execute dbms_sqltune.drop_tuning_task('SQL_TUNING_1503437363054');
execute DBMS_SQLTUNE.drop_sqlset (sqlset_name => 'Test_TOP_SQL_1503437315950');
If you can't drop SQL Set then check whether record exist in work load repository or not
SELECT count(*)  FROM wri$_sqlset_definitions a, wri$_sqlset_references b  WHERE = 'Test_TOP_SQL_1503437315950'  AND b.sqlset_id =;
Delete row
delete from wri$_sqlset_references where sqlset_id in (select id from wri$_sqlset_definitions where name in ('Test_TOP_SQL_1503437315950'));
execute DBMS_SQLTUNE.drop_sqlset (sqlset_name => 'Test_TOP_SQL_1503437315950');


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