Docker: Docker is an engine by Docker. Explore slides . Runs on host OS as well as guest OS, bare metal, cloud. Image: Packages software code, run-time, system tools, system libraries and settings. Images become containers when they run on Docker Engine. Container: Standard unit of software. Isolate software from its environment Software run same on Windows and Linux. Could be portable anywhere. Abstraction at the app layer that packages code and all dependencies together. Runs application quickly from one computing env. to another env. Do not require an OS per application, as it share the machine’s OS system kernel Applications are safer in containers Multiple containers can run on the same machine Each container runs as an isolated processes in user space. Require less space than VM. Virtual Machines: VMs are an abstraction of physical hardware. Turns one server into many servers. The hypervisor allows multiple VMs to run on a single machine. Each V...
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