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DC/OS 2.2 Production Installation on Linux | DC/OS Unistallation

DC/OS 2.2 Production installation on Linux:

Make certain to refer Before Installation

01. Download DCOS V2.2 installation file from for Open source
02. Save it locally on laptop or desktop.
03. Move it to Bootstrap node /dcos/dcos_software
04. Make directory /dcos/dcos_software/genconf
05. Create file /dcos/dcos_software/genconf/config.yaml

bootstrap_url: http://<BootStrapNode_IP>:80
cluster_name: 'dcoscluster'
exhibitor_storage_backend: static
master_discovery: static
- <IP_Address_Master>
security: disabled
oauth_enabled: 'false'
use_proxy: 'false'

06. Execute #ifconfig and find out ens32 attached with ip address of the host

07. Create genconf directory on bootstrap node.
08. Create genconf/ip-detect script
09. Create file /dcos/dcos_software/genconf/ip-detect and include following. Make sure to get actual ip address when you execute file

set -o nounset -o errexit
export PATH=/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:$PATH
echo $(ip addr show ens32 | grep -Eo '[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}' | head -1)

10. Execute /dcos/dcos_software/
# ./
Extracting image from this script and loading into docker daemon, this step can take a few minutes
Loaded image: mesosphere/dcos-genconf:236d4cef2fdf0fe613-50baa2ec85af8be41c
Generating configuration files...

Options for
 ./ --help
usage: [-h] [--hash-password [password]]
                               [--generate-node-upgrade-script [installed_cluster_version]]
                               [-v] [--version] [--web] [--genconf]
DC/OS Install and Configuration Utility
optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --hash-password [password]
                        Hash a password and print the results to copy into a config.yaml.
  --generate-node-upgrade-script [installed_cluster_version]
                        Generate a script that upgrades DC/OS nodes running
  -v, --verbose  Verbose log output (DEBUG).
  --version        Print the DC/OS version
  --web             Run the web interface
  --genconf       Create DC/OS install files customized according to genconf/config.yaml.
  --aws-cloudformation  Generate AWS Advanced AWS CloudFormation templates
                        using the provided config
11. script extracts a Docker container that uses the generic DC/OS install files to create customized DC/OS build files for your cluster. The build files are output to ./genconf/serve/

Directory structure should looks like as follows

12. Enable overlay for Docker in /etc/modules-load.d/overlay.conf
Following command will create file - overlay.conf at /etc/modules-load/ and add line overlay in it
# tee /etc/modules-load.d/overlay.conf <<-'EOF'
13. Run nginx docker container
# docker run -d -p 80:80 -v ${PWD}/genconf/serve:/usr/share/nginx/html:ro nginx

14.On dcos each master execute following to get file
curl -O http://<BootstrapNode_IP>:<Port_NoOfConfigFile>/
15.On dcos agent execute following to get file
curl -O http://<BootstrapNode_IP

16. Execute ./ master on DCOS master.
17. Execute ./ master on DCOS slave_public to install DCOS public slave
DCOS has Bootstrap node, master node, public slave node, private slave node
18. Launch DC/OS web interface at http://<master_node_IP>. If this does not work
visit - and refer troubleshooting section .
19. To unistall DC/OS download script and execute on host from where you want uninstall DC/OS

Explore System Requirement -



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