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Needs for Graph Database

Needs for Graph Database: We are living in the era of data, data is treated more precise than gold and platinum. Most of the enterprises are trying to get more insight about the data they have it as an operational / warehouse / analytical.   Ref.: To get more insight into the data, it is required to see the relationship among the data points. The challenge is how to establish the relationship among data points and the answers is Graph database. Relational databases can't help to establish the relationship among data points, due to their rigid schema, and consistent schema. Relational Database issues for data set: Number of Joins:  While fetching data from relational databases, we join many tables, these joins are complex, and consume considerable amount of computing resources, which increase the query response times. Self- joins: For database ware house / business intelligence systems using RDBMS, self-JOIN are common for

Amazon RDS | Amzon Redshift | Big Data | Boost Performance with Amazon ElastiCache

Amazon RDS with Amazon ElastiCache for Performance: Amazon RDS supports - Oracle, MS SQL server, MySQL, Maria DB and PostgreSQL. It is a managed service offered by the Amazon.  Couple of customers have observed the performance issues during their journey with Amazon RDS with Oracle, MS SQL Server, MySQL, Maria DB and PostgreSQL. Amazon cloud engineers / database consultants / database architect and Amazon supports worked to-gather to boost the Amazon RDS performance by tuning the RDBMS configuration parameters using Amazon RDS parameter group , and have not achieved the SLA for Amazon RDS .  Amazon RDS with Multi AZ and Read Replica: Some of the the AWS professionals have suggested for vertical scaling of the Amazon RDS . It should works and its absolutely correct. In my opinion, it would be a good idea to think about the Amazon ElastiCache service with Amazon RDS for better performance and cost optimization also rather than vertically scaling the Amazon RDS . I would suggest Amaz