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Retrive Exadata Version and Configuration Information

Option 1: Use DBMS_LOB package to get cell configuration information, as column CONFVAL is CLOB
spool confval.txt and search for text make in text file you will see get value in tag <makeModel>  </makeModel>

set pagesize 0
SELECT dbms_lob.substr(CONFVAL,4000,1) from V$CELL_CONFIG;
spool off

This option is good if you don't  have privilege to access storage node and can't execute command Cellcli. You would be able to find out interleaving attribute about Celldisk also as follows.


Explore about interleaving attribute of Celldisk at

Option 2:
From Tanel Podder Blog. I have modified some format to display Make Model properly.
COL cv_cellname       HEAD CELL_NAME        FOR A30
COL cv_cell_path      HEAD CELL_PATH        FOR A30
COL cv_cellversion    HEAD CELLSRV_VERSION  FOR A20
COL cv_flashcachemode HEAD FLASH_CACHE_MODE FOR A20
COL make_model FOR A70

SELECT cellname cv_cellname
, CAST(extract(xmltype(confval), '/cli-output/cell/releaseVersion/text()') AS VARCHAR2(20))  cv_cellVersion
, CAST(extract(xmltype(confval), '/cli-output/cell/flashCacheMode/text()') AS VARCHAR2(20))  cv_flashcachemode
, CAST(extract(xmltype(confval), '/cli-output/cell/cpuCount/text()')       AS VARCHAR2(10))  cpu_count
, CAST(extract(xmltype(confval), '/cli-output/cell/upTime/text()')         AS VARCHAR2(20))  uptime
, CAST(extract(xmltype(confval), '/cli-output/cell/kernelVersion/text()')  AS VARCHAR2(30))  kernel_version
, CAST(extract(xmltype(confval), '/cli-output/cell/makeModel/text()')      AS VARCHAR2(90))  make_model
FROM v$cell_config WHERE conftype = 'CELL' ORDER BY cv_cellname


Check cell smart scan is enables for ASM disk or not:Make sure to connect ASM instance, if you connect to DB instance you won't find value.

SELECT AS diskgroup, SUBSTR(,1,24) AS name, SUBSTR(a.value,1,24) AS value FROM V$ASM_DISKGROUP dg, V$ASM_ATTRIBUTE a
WHERE dg.group_number = a.group_number and a.NAME = 'cell.smart_scan_capable';

Views related to Cell Configuration in Exadata


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